This Week in Pro Wrestling TV: August 22nd-28th


From Ring of Honor TV

1.No DQ: Demonic Flamita vs Rey Horus ****

From AEW Dark: Elevation

2.Bowens vs Dante ***1/2

3.Varsity Blonds vs Mason, Warren **1/2

4.HFO vs Best Friends ***1/2

5.Conti vs Braxton ES

6.Dark Order vs Death Triangle ***1/2

From AEW Dark

7.Thunder Rosa vs Heather Reckless NR

8.Varsity Blonds vs Ren, Brayden NR

9.Dean vs Hobbs NR

10.Dante vs 5 ***1/2

11.Lucha Bros vs The Factory **3/4

12.Dark Order vs Herro, Moore NR

13.Best Friends vs HFO ***1/2

From We are STARDOM!!

14.Recapture Gauntlet **1/2

15.Wonder of STARDOM Title: Tam(c) vs Starlight Kid ***

16.Goddesses of STARDOM Titles: DdM(c) vs Queen's Quest ***1/4

From AEW Dynamite

17.Orange vs Hardy ***1/2

18.Lucha Bros vs Varsity Blonds ***1/2

19.Hayter vs Velvet ***

20.Gunn Club vs Factory **

21.Black vs Anderson NR

From IMPACT! Wrestling

22.Sabin vs Callihan ***1/2

23.Bey vs Finlay ***1/2

24.Swann, Mack vs Good Brothers **

From AEW Rampage

25.AEW Tag Team Eliminator Tournament Finals: Jurassic Express vs Lucha Bros ****

26.Tay Conti vs The Bunny **1/2

27.Kenny Omega, Brandon Cutler vs Kaz, Christian Cage *3/4


If you're wondering why I never seem to cover NWA in these, there is actually a good reason. I don't watch Powerrr, which somehow doesn't have a pirate bodybuilder theme, 

This week's Ring of Honor saw the next chapter in one of my favorite ongoing rivalries as Demonic Flamita and Rey Horus went to battle in a no disqualifications match. They worked hard and delivered on the gimmick and the expectations for sure, and the entire thing was fantastic. After his big victory, Flamita seemed to tease a shot at Bandido, as enforced by the commentary team.

On IMPACT this week, we had some fun shit.

Sabin and Callihan was good shit. A very fun match to kick a show off with and a fun little feud.

Bey and Finlay was good. I LOVE Bey in the Bullet Club. LOVE it. But yeah, this was pretty good even with the cheap finish.

Christian and Ace Austin shared a moment after Dreamer put over the new champ. I loved Captain Charisma telling a fan he was wrong about Ace. Oh, and can we cut the WHAT shouts? I love that these two are going to have a match and honestly I'm really enjoying IMPACT a lot this year.

Swann and Mack took on Anderson and Gallows in a pretty basic main. The Good Brothers are a good team in the right situations and a terrible one in others.

Read my review of the entire Elevation episode HERE

Read my review of the entire Dark episode HERE

Read my review of the entire We are STARDOM!! episode HERE

Read my review of the entire Dynamite episode HERE

Read my review of the entire Rampage episode HERE

Match of the Week: Demonic Flamita vs Rey Horus 

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