It's time once more to watch some wrestling and write about it, folks.
I'm going to start this time with some Dragongate action, with KAI putting the Open the Dream Gate Championship up Cyber Kong. To be clear, neither are classic-makers on their own and, to be blunt, this didn't over deliver. They did put in for an ultimately fine throwaway title match, but nothing you should feel obligated to rush to watch.
Next, we go to CMLL.
A trios match with Cavernario, Dragon Rojo Jr, and Fuerza Garza taking on papa Atlantis, Negro Casas, and Blue Panther made for a good six-man. It also looked a bit like a bunch of old dudes and two younger ones hanging out.
The Copa Junior series of luchas went better than expected, with a decent bit of storylines tacked on and three of the contests actually breaking into recommendation territory. Watch the linked highlight video attached below in the ratings section. It was good shit.
WWE shit? Why not?!
Zayn and Shinsuke was a bit campy, but good sports entertainment content regardless.
There were children crying during the post-match attack of the next one. This after Bloodline grabbed more gold in a pretty good contest with a storyline shit finish. Props to WWE, because Roman and his cousins are part of one of the best ongoing angles in pro-wrestling right now.
Riddle's promo the following Monday saw the former champ promising revenge. Orton was announced as being out with an injury. Later, he and the Street Profits took on Bloodline, with Sami, in a decent six-man.
Asuka and Lynch had a solid one on Raw, adding Becky to the title match. The following week, we had a segment with Becky, Asuka, and Bianca trading words and shots HERE. Later, Asuka would drop yet another due to a flashpin-ish finish, this time to the division champ.
Becky would attack after.
Also, Shinsuke and Riddle formed a team with their eyes set on the Usos. The two would brawl in a segment that you can find HERE. The new duo stood tall to end the new chapter.
McIntyre teamed with New Day as they took on the Brawling Brutes (sigh) in a good, crowd-pleasing six-man.
Seth and Cody brawled in the audience ahead of their cell match in the video above. I'll make time for that dramatic cell match soon. I wonder if Cody pushed through to avoid getting the Finn treatment already. He might still get it. That or he'll return, win the Rumble, dethrone Roman, and then end racism once again.
Or something like that.
I've been told I am not funny. I think they are wrong.
Continuing the angle with Naka and Riddle, we saw the team win via DQ against the Uso brothers when the latter attacked the former with a scooter. What is life? They brawled and it ended with an avalanche rko, ultimately making for entertaining circus style television.
Grimes and Frazer had a fun one on NXT, putting in for one of the best things the brand has presented fans with all year. A great singles throwaway, with an attack after to set up a match that was on a show I didn't even hear about until it had already happened.
I still think WWE should tape house shows and put them up on Peacock weekly as a minor program with recaps and stuff.
Anyway, back to the Riddle stuff. A tag match saw Naka leave early, injured. Riddle did well enough, but a distraction finish that featured a sick rko from the top rope and a splash made held things back a tad. PPV vs TV. Still, good sports entertainment action, regardless.
I'm closing this one up here. The next digest might be a throwbacks edition or focused on specific programs. We'll see. Thank you, as always, for reading.
- Open the Dream Gate Title: KAI(c) vs Yoshida **1/2
- Cavernario, Dragon Rojo Jr, Fuerza Garza vs Atlantis, Negro Casas, Blue Panther ***
- Copa Junior Semi-Final Seeding Battle Royale NR
- Copa Junior Quarterfinal: Voldaro Jr vs Angel de Oro **1/4
- Copa Junior Quarterfinal: Atlantis Jr vs Stuka Jr **3/4
- Copa Junior Quarterfinal: Soberano Jr vs Niebla Roja ***1/2
- Copa Junior Quarterfinal: Mistico vs Mephisto ***
- Copa Junior Semifinal: Volador Jr vs Atlantis Jr ***1/2
- Copa Junior Semifinal: Mistico vs Soberano Jr ***3/4
- Zayn vs Nakamura ***
- Raw, SD Tag Titles Unification: RK-Bro(R) vs Usos(S) ***1/2
- Riddle, Street Profits vs Zayn, Usos **3/4
- Asuka vs Lynch **3/4
- McIntyre, New Day vs Brawling Brutes ***
- Asuka vs Bianca **3/4
- Riddle, Nakamura vs Usos **1/2
- Grimes vs Frazer
- Raw, SD Tag Titles: Usos(c) vs Riddle, Nakamura ***