IMPACT! Wrestling #923 Review


1.Ring of Honor Women's World Title: Purrazzo(c) vs Nightingale **

2.Rocky Romero vs Jonathan Gresham ***

3.Alex Shelley vs Steve Maclin ***

4.PCO vs JONAH ***


I'm working on my new digest format debut, which will be added soon with more info, and I was catching up on the brand formerly known as TNA specifically. This show caught my eye as being worth watching in full. I've honestly really enjoyed watching this show this year and consider it one of the best weekly programs available.

Lets see if that praise is worth mention with this installment.

Up first, we get a look at Alexander being told he'd have to wait until Rebellion for his act of rebellion or whatever. The story he and Moose have been telling is honestly pretty well done.

W. Morrissey is out in the ring next for a promo. He seemed to be uncomfortable being raw and showing emotion, but that discomfort actually added a topping to the sundae. It felt a bit like something you'd hear at AA, but not in a knocking kind of way but instead I mean that as a good thing. This promo made Morrissey seem far more likeable that he has ever been before and his work of late, to his credit, has been featuring a lot more effort than ever before, too. I'm intrigued to see what's next for the dude after this, even if it sadly is finishing this program featuring Myers first, and that's the first time I've been interested in such things ever with the dude.


Cardona, Green, and Myers put WM through a table to end the segment.

The first match of the evening saw the ROH Women's Champion defending against Willow. It was definitively average.

We then got a clip of Aldis and James tapping out Cardona and Green in an angle that crosses over with NWA at the Multiverse gig. Mickie got a backstage chat spot right after. The YouTube captions said that Mickie was going to give Green an "ass weapon" which is just glorious.

Green and James brawled a bit, with Major Players giving the heel the upper hand.

Tasha got a backstage promo spot herself, promoting her title defense at Rebellion. Rosemary and Decay interrupted via video.

The next outing featured ROH World Heavyweight Champion, Jon Gresham, facing New Japan's Rocky Romero in a non-title match. It was just over ten-minutes long and honestly was just a solid, well paced technical sprint. Good shit for what it was.

A package promoting Josh/Moose ran next.

Ace Austin joined Bailey backstage, mentioning that Fulton's ankle had been broken the week prior at the hands of Josh Alexander and trying to form a partnership. It was an okay segment.

We got a look at Sabin's match with White at Multiverse as well as the aftermatch with Maclin ahead of our next one, which saw Alex Shelley besting Maclin in ten. This was a good television match, though one that was a bit overdone for its good regardless.

I'm not sure if I've said so on the site yet, but let me take a moment to give props to Steve Maclin real quick. The dude was always just a random face in the crowd when he was with WWE for those seven years. Since joining IMPACT, though, he's been an underrated and entertaining performer. 

A clip from BTI ran next leading into more of the ongoing drama with Rayne and crew. I admittedly don't care about this program in the slightest.

Another package building up Moose/Alexander ran, this time with Moose getting a few words in on the subject.

Honor No More is out next, with some heel work mic work. Bullet Club came out for a chat after a couple of minutes. This ended with a big unit brawl which concluded with PCO going high. JONAH came out right after and then we went to commercial.

When we returned, we were starting PCO versus JONAH in the main event.

Chaotic television can be very entertaining, people.

The match was a good, big man battle. 

PCO is like Biden in a way, because I have no idea what they're doing most of the time, I have no idea if they know what they're doing some of the time, and I'm pretty sure they're just going to hurt themselves. 

JONAH won in the end, which was the right move. After, the victor continued to beat down PCO to close the episode. No one tried to help.

This episode was far from a home run, but it still resonated well as a strong enough installment of weekly pro-wrestling television and featured three good contests and some decent non-wrestling content. The fact that it ran from the ECW Arena was a nice cherry on top, for me at least. I cannot recommend that you click play on anything from a quality stance alone as nothing was must-see TV, for the record. I just appreciated watching it as a total package personally and once again must say that if more fans would give them a shot, they'd likely become fans (again, perhaps) of the product.

Overall Rating: 70/100%

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