dWo #9: What the Fuck!?

Hey, I'm back for another dWo entry. I apologize for the delay and will refrain from excuses. I haven't watched as many New Jersey games as I would've liked during the hectic holiday season and am honestly just now feeling like I'm settling back into a more normal state for myself. I've very much felt like a PS1 game during the time; a bit fun and all, but clunky as fuck.

Now, I decided to return to specifically talk about the most recent game against Toronto. Note that we have lost the last seven to the squad and have allowed at at least four to get past in each. At the beginning of the year I had said that this team had some potential. I was realistic when I stated that if things went perfect, they could arguably make the playoffs. Things haven't went perfectly, though. It happens. In fact, I have been underwhelmed fairly often of late by the squad performance as I sincerely think this group can do far better. Alas, the wins feel big but many have felt like uphill battles and several of the loses have been just pathetic.

This was the latter. They ended January with an L to the Maple Leafs, but it at least felt like a fight. They followed that up with....this. It's tragic watching how rough this rebuilding phase is and it's starting to feel like what my Jets are doing, too. Never ending "rebuilding" isn't rebuilding. It's sucking. I wish I could say it's just an injury issue, which played a role, but ineptitude and a lack of fighting spirit are far more at play this year, resulting in a lost season just halfway through.

It's becoming clear that the team is caring more about profit margins than making runs, because capitalism fucking sucks, but the good news is that the jig is up for many. By that I mean there are fewer and fewer attending games and I keep hearing folks talking about canceling their season ticket packages. I fear the response will be to act like their trying instead of truly trying for a few seasons, hoping that the bare minimum will be enough.

It shouldn't be, and I'm all for fans making that clear.

I will forever be a Devils fan, but fuck it can be hard at times, hockey fans!

The Winter Olympics are starting and the All-Star Game is this weekend.

Devils hockey returns on Monday. I'll try to return to weekly dWo posts.

I'd apologize for the negative dripped rant, but I'm not sorry. Any fan of the team likely understands where I am coming from.

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