Catching Up on ROH TV (Episodes 525 + 526)


From ROH TV #525

1.OGK vs MexiSquad ***1/2

From ROH TV #526

1.ROH Tag Titles: LFI(c) vs SOS ***

2.Foundation vs Isom, Rust, CB, Keys ****


You can check out my review of the Halloween special episode HERE.

Before we get started, I should comment on the big news regarding Ring of Honor.

First, this sucks. This company did better than basically anyone else in regards to keeping talent safe during the pandemic and I was very appreciative of that. They deserve loads of praise.

Now, while we're still in the pandemic and as everyone continues acting like we aren't, they're making a massive change. I'm sure you've already heard, but everyone is free of their contracts. They will continue to be paid throughout the year (or reportedly until March depending on the contract) and they will run a few more shows before 2022 begins. Then they go on hiatus and are set to return, seemingly, as something similar to PWG with a regular tv series, presumably at least. The talent will float because this roster is stacked. It sucks as a fan because I've praised them heavily since their return late last year as I consider this product to be one of my favorites. Alas, nothing I say matters in this regard and it's happening.

Again, the talent will float versus sink.

I'd argue that the lucha roster members will get hurt the most, though. Them and people like Rok-C, who was just getting started and was being pumped up. The former is because not many US companies really understand and appreciate the art of lucha libre and few have full time gigs for such workers. Considering that Rush and his large family really are heavy on the idea of remaining together and because Court is basically the only one that gets it, I expect them to at least get a spot in MLW.

Anyway, I think the new direction will make for good content. I just hate that they're doing it at all.

One last thing, I had heard that Ring of Honor was going to be officially involved with AEW sooner than later. Now, that's a moot concept clearly since the roster can just go there without issue. How many appear, I have no idea. I do know that the catalog of Sinclair owned content is for sale but that they are asking a bit much for it.

Enough rambling, though.

First up, we have OGK versus MexiSquad in a pretty good tag match. Admittedly it felt more like a spotlight for Bandido and Rey Horus, despite OGK winning, but I appreciated the work and pace for sure and the winners did do well in their base roles.

Next, LFI defending their tag straps against SOS of STP. It didn't hit that next level I was hoping for and featured an interference set-up finish, but was still good overall and featured the right team winning. It likely was meant to protect SOS, which is such an outdated concept either way.

I really appreciated the next pull a lot, which was an pure style atomico, minus the pure rules attachment, with hard work, some minor story touches throughout, and a touch of color from Titus for good measure. I might be a bit high on it, but I personally recommend it heavily. Fantastic stuff.

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