1.Rok-C, McKay vs Alize, Max **1/2
2.Four-Corner Survival, Trick or Treat Wildcard: Demonic Flamita, O'Shay vs EC3, CB vs Taven, Gordon vs Rey Horus, Silas ***
3.ROH Six-Man Tag Titles: STP(c) vs Danhausen, PCO, Sledge **1/2
I am catching up on stuff I missed, but the kiddos wanted to watch this before bed. I'm going to keep it short because I'm tired as fuck, but this was fun. The content wasn't must-see, but for a holiday special this worked well and hit the right notes. Watching right after a Power Rangers Halloween special made for an entertaining dynamic for sure, too. I'll comment more on the big Ring of Honor news when I cover the recent content I had missed, which likely goes up later today.
Check it out if you want one last pumpkin stream before Thanksgiving and Christmas engulf us.
Overall Rating: 65/100%