AAA TripleMania XXIX Review


1.AAA World Tag Titles: Lucha Bros(c) vs Jinetes del Aire vs Cage, Taurus ***3/4

2.La Empresa vs Team AAA *3/4

3.AAA Mega Title: Kenny Omega(c) vs Andrade el Idolo ***1/2

4.Mask vs Hair Apuesta: Psycho Clown vs Rey Escorpion ****


Better late than never?

This is Azteca Deportes stream that I'm using and you too can watch what I watch by clicking play above. If you want. Whatever.

The opener was a great spotfest. Vikingo shined brightest, but that's because the dude is a fucking alien or something. Everyone did well enough in their roles.

Up next, NGD and PdN had some drama and a tiny brawl. I'm big on PdN and have been for years. NGD is a team I loved but has been phoning shit in more than Volador Jr. for a while now. I've heard they haven't stepped up much since this moment. Sad. Oh well.

The second match of the stream saw former CMLL dudes against some AAA dudes. It was a super basic and disjointed affair. I won't waste further time even talking about it.

An NGD backstage promo ran and then we jumped straight into the Mega defense, skipping intros and all of that pageantry. Of course, Flair being involved here now seems funny since he's currently waiting out his time for short term memory folk to forget about his past behaviors once again but this, obviously, ran before shit hit the fan. 

Kenny and Andrade was pretty good, but that's a problem. See, Omega is a fucking god of pro-wrestling. You might not agree, but I consider him the best active in-ring performer and the best wrestler of all time. To get a major singles match against him and it only be pretty good is a disappointment. It was overbooked a tad, but I admittedly think it has more to do with La Sombra being conditioned by WWE than anything else. He's a great worker and I'm a fan, but he's felt at times (post-E) as being in the middle of dislearning habits. It's pretty clear here, in my mind. Still, in a vacuum, this was good shit so that's something at least.

Last up, the big apuesta, which was fantastic stuff. They built up nicely and had Psycho in the perfect situation to succeed. Escorpion was the cocky dick heel getting help from every direction while PC had to keep fighting back from underneath over and over again. The turn late was decently done, too. Your mileage will vary and some will likely hate this, but personally I had a lot of fun and it worked out well for what it was.

This year's TripleMania came off well. Casual fans tend to only watch this one AAA gig a year and I think they did enough to keep that same bunch on tap for next year. They pleased enough of their hardcore base, too. Of the four matches aired here, even with the warts, only one was below recommendation levels. In all, this was a success and if you skipped out for whatever reason, perhaps it's time to take a look now!

Overall Rating: 80/100%

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