dWo #6: Fuck Lauzon

Well, the biggest story since the last time I wrote is that Hughes was hurt during the unit's game against expansion team, the Kraken. He's going to be out with a dislocated shoulder for a decent span (likely 12+ weeks).

They did win that game, for what it's worth. They have also defeated Buffalo since post five. All were quality wins that showed that there's still some spark and a bit of depth here that can be fine-tuned moving forward, which is a great thing to have solidified.

Sadly, the red and black also suffered two shots on the L column, too.

Both the Capitals and Flames outmatched New Jersey making the latter feel like they were out of their league. It's deflating to see it happen, but there are still two positives to takeaway from that fact as well.

1. If the team can bounce back and let those defeats roll off their shoulders, than the optimism can remain for us fans.

2. Combined with their victories thus far, this all tells me that my prediction for the team this year is still on the rails.

I expected sincere growth forward, pushing out of the basement and into the mid-range. That's what I'm feeling we are looking at here.

Red flags remain and we all know that things can crumble just as easily as they stand firm, but I'd like to just end this quick update post by reminding fans that our nearly ten years of pain finally feels to be finding some light.

I hope you'll join me in the ride.

RECORD: 3-2-0

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