MLW Fusion: ALPHA #2 Review


1.Arez vs Aramis ****

2.Alex Kane vs Budd Heavy ES

3.MLW National Openweight Title: Hammerstone(c) vs Lawlor ***


On Fusion: Alpha, which continues to just feel like Fusion following multiple dropped promises, we had a decent showcase for Arez and Aramis. To put it simply, this was the best thing I've seen in an MLW ring in a long time thanks purely to how awesome both workers are. I've praised them many times here, but they showed once again why they are so fucking good. Fantastic lucha libre! Money was tossed in after.

The midcard was a squash to build up Kane. It was okay.

Tajiri was announced for MLW and he'll be in a four-way featuring Arez and Aramis all challenging Reed for the Middleweight belt at Fightland. A Not-LAX package gave me a headache. Also, Dario and Cross had a moment which set up M-Dogg versus Fatu for the belt next week. The women's division kicks off next week, too. Alex Kane was announced as an Opera Cup alternative, which clearly is a set up and it's obvious who he's replacing. Bobby Fish is promoted as coming soon, which is of note that it's still being promoted considering the news that the dude is challenging Guevara for the TNT Championship. A side note, but I hope this means Sammy brings back the open challenge. I don't care if MLW is in the forbidden door scenario, but I've seen some clues that it might happen. The ROH deal is still supposedly in line to happen from what I've heard, but we'll see. Shit changes and sources are wrong.

The show closed with the New Japan STRONG Openweight Champion, Lawlor, versus the MLW National Openweight Champion, Hammerstone. You won't see this one on any MOTY lists, but it was a competent and serviceable throwaway defense as AH moves ahead to his big title vs title match. After, Contra beat down Hammer and Holliday backstage.

I'll be blunt. MLW hasn't done a lot for me since their revival and I don't particularly care for the owner much. I have several nitpicks in general and don't trust them at all. I also had no intention of watching this full episode this week. I was won over thanks to the opener and ended up sticking around. I still have many issues with the product but I'd also like to say some positive shit so that I don't come off as a complete ass.

  1. While I'm pretty sure it's about to end, I've enjoyed Fatu as the top dog and I like Contra well enough.
  2. They have a decent aura about them that reminds me a lot of ECW at times.
  3. I appreciate them utilizing lucha talent more than most, including Aramis, Park, etc.
  4. While I'm not sold on their take thusfar, I like that they're at least trying to do something with the Lucha Underground concept.
Those come to mind instantly. This was a solid and largely entertaining enough episode of wrestling that I'm sure many will enjoy far more than myself. I also feel I could have left after the opener and been just as happy, but I also don't feel as if I've wasted time on it which is the best compliment I can think of. 

Consider it.

Overall Rating: 70/100%

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