Dragongate Cutting Edge Battle #120 Review


1.Open the Twin Gate Titles: Natural Vibes(Shimizu, Susumu) (c) vs High-End(Ben-K, Dragon Kid) ****

2.Open the Dream Gate Title: Shun Skywalker(c) vs YAMATO ****1/2


With this, seeing as they didn't add a new episode on Saturday as promoted, I am caught up. That means the site will feature a lot more than just DG content again. Either tonight or tomorrow I should have the TV roundup and more uploaded for last week.

Match one was a fantastic Twin Gate battle and further showcased that Shimizu's new gimmick in no way will be a setback. Instead, the dude looks more motivated than I've seen in a while. The chemistry here was great and the action built nicely. A strong way to kick this one off.

The main event surpassed it and, keeping with a theme, I must say that YAMATO displayed a spark I haven't seen in a while as well. The dude has always been an awesome worker but he's also had some lulls. Here, he was motivated and stepped up big going blow for blow with the demolition derby kid. While I admittedly would have enjoyed more matches from Skywalker as champ, I can see this being a good call and I am eager to see what they run next. The match rocked and was full of badass spots and drama, all adding together for one of the better matches of the year.

This episode simply was a thrill ride. I recommend it to anyone interested in the product or wrestling in general and consider it one of the best wrestling tv releases of 2021. 

Overall Rating: 95/100%

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