Dragongate Cutting Edge Battle #111 Review


1.Dead or Alive Cage Match: YAMATO, KAI vs SB KENTo, Dragon Kid ***1/2


I used to fucking love watching this show, but then a certain site died and no one seemed to know how to tell me how I could keep watching. As a result, I then started just watching select matches again. That sucked because I used to consider this company my favorite. While I don't have the same attachment as I used to, I still really do enjoy the roster, the style, and would absolutely love to watch DG more regularly.

I finally found the fucking thing, though. It appears that GAORA SPORTS' YouTube channel uploads episodes on Saturdays and seems to have been doing so since at least April. Better late than never. I just hope they don't stop airing it, causing me to have to once again search for the new home.

Anyway, I'm still catching up on some missed content from the first six months of the year but I really want to do this the right way because I'm so fucking excited just to find this again and this year's Dead or Alive cage match feels like the perfect place to jump back in.

I might not watch every episode in my goal of catching up to the current episode, for the record.

So, this episode, as I mentioned above, features this year's big cage match. These are always big spectacles and are glorious for it. They ran this one relevos increible style with High-End and R.E.D. members being mixed and mashed. Now, the escape section of this one wasn't must-see by any means, but the Dragon Kid vs SBK apuesta section for sure helped make this worth seeing. Sure, the entire package was overbooked chaos, but that's the point of these and they somehow still make them work.

The biggest takeaway for me here though was having further proof that SB KENTo truly is a legit star in the making.

So, without giving too much away, let me say that if you can keep an open mind this might be worth your time. It's not a good entry point, though. I'm very excited to have Cutting Edge Battle back in my life and I think it's safe to say that you should expect more review posts ASAP.

Overall Rating: 75/100%

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