We are STARDOM!! #83 Review


1.Artist of STARDOM Titles: Cosmic Angels(c) vs Oedo Tai **3/4

2.Queen's Quest vs Oedo Tai ***1/2

3.Future of STARDOM Title, Vacancy Tournament Final: Shirakawa vs Unagi ***


My favorite weekly wrestling show is back for another edition.

We start with a good one for the Artist of STARDOM Titles, the trios belts of the company. While it won't blow you away, the work was solid enough and as an opener for the episode it worked well enough. Cosmic Angels retained.

Darkside Starlight is a hit. She and Ruaka teamed up in our midcard match to face off against Queen Quest's Momo and AZM. Pure chaos. Pure fun. A pretty good tag team match between the four for sure, though I would have preferred to see a different outcome, specifically Starlight Kid pinning either QQ member. Instead, AZM got the W after a hectic endstretch on Ruaka.

Cosmic Angles faced off in this week's main event, which saw Shirakawa and Unagi face off for the Future of STARDOM Championship. Good stuff overall. Mina took the W following a rope assisted  implant ddt and another in the middle of the ring.

A weaker episode than some installments, for sure. Still, We are STARDOM!! is truly the easiest wrestling program to watch and enjoy and the 30 minute-ish runtime works well to ensure things stay that way.

Overall Rating: 70/100%

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