Road to Dynamite: Milwaukee Thoughts

I don't watch these that often, but a bit of buzz from my bubble made me pull the trigger. I'm glad I did, as this was honestly award worthy content for 13 minutes. The largest section was essentially a mini-doc of Punk's return, with the large second half specifically showing the work the production team put in to make the entire thing as magical as it was. I have some production work history myself and I love seeing people that level do their craft. AEW is a bit sporadic with their cuts, but far less so than ADHD WWE, but they did pretty well here.

I really hope Punk doesn't test positive for COVID after all of that crowd love.

The other portion of the installment saw AEW do that below the surface story work that they're so damn good at, where they tied the Christian/Don spot from last week and added new layers to it while building on the Captain Charisma/Cleaner angle.

Honestly, just click play above. It's worth the time and worked well as a primer for tomorrow.

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