AEW Dark #104 Preview

Announced Card

  1. Dante Martin vs 5
  2. Dark Order (10, Silver) vs Herro, Moore
  3. Thunder Rosa vs Heather Reckless
  4. Best Friends (Orange, Taylor, Yuta) vs HFO (Hardy, TH2)
  5. Lucha Bros vs The Factory (Comoroto, Solo)
  6. Kris Stratlander vs Selene Grey
  7. Varsity Blonds vs Jones, Brayden

Tonight at 7pm EST, AEW will be streaming the latest edition of Dark. The fact that this one was recorded the same night as Punk's return to the ring should set a fun tone for the taping.

For squashes, we'll see Thunder Rosa, Dark Order, Stratlander, and the Varsity Blonds padding their records with wins. We might get more Dark Order tensions.

Also on the episode, rising star Dante Martin, who they clearly are putting a lot of weight behind, is taking on Dark Order's 5. That one should be fun. Last night they aired Bowens and Dante and it was pretty good. I expect this one the be just as enjoyable. Dante seems most likely to get the nod unless hell froze over.

The tensions between the Best Friends and HFO continue, ahead of Matt/Orange which is set for tomorrow night, with trios action. This one should be very enjoyable as well and I suspect that we'll get a bounce back victory for HFO following the L aired last night.

The only other contest I see getting legit time will feature the Lucha Bros getting another victory. The Factory are a decent duo and should make for a fun enough dynamic.

Dark is a super loose feeling show that features a wildly entertaining commentary team, some squashes, and a few competitive matches as a cherry. This one should be pretty decent and is likely worth tuning in if that description and the card above strike enough of your interest.

If time allows, I'll live review the show. No promises.

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