KushyPunch Sativa Strawberry 100mg Gummies Review

KushyPunch's Sativa Strawberry gummies come in a package that looks similar to a pack of gum. When you open it, you quickly see the product sits in what can best be described as ice tray adjacent and requires you to cut them up into individual portions, each containing about ten mg. 

There is a child proof bag inside too, for those that might benefit from having such a thing. They also promote the use of all natural colors and flavors for the product, low sugar and calorie counts, and no nut or dairy allergens. This might be a big deal for some and is worth noting. 

The flavor is rather blunt, tasting slightly like a diet gelatin underneath a wall of the more natural herbal notes. There's no way you could mistake these as anything other than marijuana edibles as a result and folks that tend to like edibles with toned down weed flavors being present might prefer to look elsewhere.

It personally took me about 90 minutes before effects kicked in. I will warn that it can sneak up on you, leaving you unaware until you find yourself craving Taco Bell more than ever before. I try to take these more for medicinal reasons, largely pain relief, and prefer minimal hits. Half of a gummy did well for that in my case.

Effects, in my cases, would last about four hours. Your experience will vary. Remember, if you want to try the plant, are in a legal state, and don't like the idea of smoking, edibles can be a good option for many. That's not the case for everyone, though. Some dislike the way they feel when using the plant. Some might need to try different strains should they wish to continue experimenting. What matters most is that it's not for everyone and that's okay.

Make sure to use a dosing chart, such as THIS one, and make sure you don't act like a dumbass. Be smart, be safe, be well.

Rating: ***3/4

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