Red's RBI #10: Refusing to Die, a Look at the Perseverant Mets

The New York Mets have been a rollercoaster full of emotional damage and amazing sights of perseverance this year, haven't they? There's a spirit there that has been obvious nearly every outing for the club through the season thus far and will to fight. Other Mets lineups over the years would have already crumbled by now, deciding instead to coast through what remained, collect their checks, and not truly give a damn. 
Not this squad.

Through the injuries, the embarrassments, and the series collapses, there is an ever present spark waiting to show up and keep hope alive. As things sit right now, this team somehow still leads their division and has an actual hope at making moves in the post-season in a way that brings me a smile every time I think of it. 

Am I setting myself up for disappointment? Sure, it's the way of a Mets fan after all. 

Still though, the pieces are there and all it takes is a bit of luck, the proper alignment of the stars, the will of the baseball gods, and a whole lot of that magic we've seen throughout the year.

I'm proud to call myself a Mets fan and this unit is one worth cheering for. I hope you feel the same.

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