Lucha Libre March 2021 in Review Part One (AAA, IWRG)


From AAA 03/11

1.Jinetes del Aire vs Taurus, Abismo Negro Jr ***3/4

2.Los Mercanarios, Chessman vs Psycho Circus ***1/2

From IWRG 03/14

3.Especie Maligna, Halcon Magic vs Legendario, Lunatik Fly ****

4.Dick Angelo 3G, Sobredosis, Fulgor I vs Gravity, Puma de Oro, Cabellero de Plata ***

5.Black Terry, Heddi Karaoui vs Veneno, Toxin ***1/2


We start this one with two from AAA. The first was great, high speed spotfest fun. The second was pretty good chaos. Both were worth seeing if you enjoy that kind of thing. Like, you know, if you're not a square *draws rectangle in the air because fuck everything*

A smoke filled ring to start next, and a match that built beautifully and far exceeded my expectations next. You'll never see an IWRG match that is high quality from in a polished form, but when things click they fucking click and this fucking clicked. Bitchin' tag team shit.

Dicks. Heels. RUDOS. Full display, even botching a save spot because they're just giant wankers.  Yeah, number four was fun and good and featured one of the sickest dives ever. It also was good but not recommendation levels of good because it just never hit that. Oh well, that's okay. 

We close with this half set, with part two coming ASAP, with one last tag from the IWRG 03/14 gig. It started with some decent tech work and kept that going alongside a bit of brawling and meatier action. It grew upwards nicely enough and was borderline great all together. I can see this one being polarizing.

In all, these five were a whole lot of fun. If you love to kiss the ass of hypocrite stooge Cornette, don't bother. If you can allow yourself to enjoy "flippy shit", you should consider pulling some triggers here for sure.

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