We are STARDOM!! #64 Review


1.Future of STARDOM Title: Saya Iida(c) vs Honori Hana ***1/4

2.Giulia vs Unagi Sayaka **1/2


Saya and Honori kicked us off with a good Future of STARDOM Championship match this week, which was played short but strong. Saya has been improving nicely and has been impressing me increasingly. She reminds me a bit of Chihiro. 

The SEAdLINNNG vs STARDOM angle didn't stop there, as we next got a clip of Arisa and Nanae beating Momo and Saya at a SEAdLINNNG show. Arisa is one of the best workers of all time in my opinion and Momo is pretty high up there. It looked good and I'm excited to see what they do with this.

We also got a clip of Mayu being betrayed, a running joke at this point, as Ruaka joined Oedo Tai with a huge chair shot.

For the main event this week we had the first in the Unagi trial series contest. She was humiliated and destroyed. The storytelling was decent as was the match. While nothing major, there was a hint of something here that will have me keeping a closer eye on Unagi moving forward.

This week might not be one that will blow you away, especially if you're a casual watcher of STARDOM, but for longtime viewers there was some fun stuff that has me excited about future content that will build off of what we saw here. It went fast and nothing was bad, plus the opener was actually borderline recommendation levels so consider this one if you're looking for some joshi this week.

Overall Rating: 70/100% 

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