Ring of Honor TV #492 Review


1.The Briscoes vs La Faccion Ingobernable ***1/2

2.Relaxed Rules: Mike Bennett vs Bateman ***1/4

3.ROH Six-Man Titles: MexiSquad(c) vs Shane Taylor Promotions ****


This week and next are big nights for Shane Taylor, as he main events both and gets shots at the Six-man and World Championships respectfully. Bubbly Quinn walks us through the card and we launch into the action.

The first match was a #1 contenders battle between The Briscoes and LFI and a borderline great match in general. I didn't love the finish, as crisp as it was, because I tend to dislike dirty finishes. Flip helping LFI after their actions are also puzzling. Oh well, all four worked hard and made this a really enjoyable opener and the right team won, the losers lost nothing, and it freed up Jay for...

EC3 came out after and cut a quality promo and I am far more intrigued in his future in ROH than I ever figured I would be. The dude was very enjoyable in TNA/IMPACT so I honestly bet he can be enjoyable here.

During Bateman's entrance, the booth promoted that Shibata once told him he hits too hard and that NJPW was basically afraid to use him. Okay, that didn't happen so much that it undid other things that did happen. He and a Maria-less Bennett brawled under "relaxed rules" which was honestly better than expected and another good match on the evening. 

Taven ran out after for a badass moment. I was aware of the Taven feud with Vincent but didn't care too much. Now I'm intrigued.

A reminder to anyone reading that is still engaged in their culture war and thinks COVID is a laughing matter, but Bandido, a dude far more in shape than your ass, nearly died from the damn thing. 

The main event was fantastic, high speed action. I have no idea what they'll do next with the MexiSquad which is a shame but I agree that STP was the right team to win here. They're just too on a roll and needed gold more.

This was sincerely an awesome hour of wrestling with tight action and good storytelling. Well worth a watch.

Overall Rating: 85/100%

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