ECW Hardcore TV #72-79 Reviews

This is a repost, largely being just a copy/paste job from three years ago when I started watching ECW Hardcore TV episodes. Then, I had posted the reviews in a Facebook group that I run, but I am wanting to make a trip through ECW and some WWF this year as I am watching WCW because honestly it's just something I think will be enjoyable while also hopefully being something fun for y'all to read. Let's start with this look at my thoughts on episodes 72-79!

I honestly want to eventually get all of my ratings from the group and post them here but it's a pain in the ass seeing as FB makes such a thing a fucking chore.

Anyway, these old episodes of Hardcore TV are for sure a product of their time and don't hold up super well but there's a weird charm at the same time.

So, here's my thoughts at the time. I'm jumping ahead a bit after this and a review for another episode might be up today if time allows.

ECW Hardcore TV Episode 72
1.911 vs Doink NR
2.Loser Gets Caned:Dreamer vs Sandman NR
3.NWA HW Title:Douglas vs Scorpio **3/4
Random Ramblings:
This year, I want to go back and watch a few things. I've already begun watching the old Wrestle Kingdom events. Now, let's start watching old ECW! This episode was chosen as the starting point due to it being the real beginning of Extreme Championship Wrestling. The first contest was really just 911 killing Doink, making the fans cream themselves while Joey pointed out this was an attempt to make their rivals look bad. It also happened to be a tournament match to crown the new NWA Champion. The second outing was also pretty much a nothing match. A commercial break shortened it further to the point where I didn't even have enough to review it. The only good part was what happened after, which was the infamous caning of Dreamer by Sandman. Dreamer turning down a match restart after a shit finish and taking the beating is an iconic scene. Clips of tournament stuff is shown afterwards leading into the Championship decision match. Some entertaining stuff. Finally, the main event arrives. This was actually a decent match. While none of the contests here were really worth running to check out, the episode still has two important moments. One is just a memorable spot that was part of Dreamer's legacy. The other is the moment that started the ECW we all know. For that, this is a recommended episode.

ECW Hardcore TV Episode 73
1.ECW Tag Titles:Public Enemy(c) vs Cactus,Whipwreck ***
2.Benoit vs Austin *3/4
3.ECW TV Title:Jason(c) vs JT Smith NR
Random Ramblings:
The first match was all about Mikey. It was a fun match with some decent spots and a flash pin ending that got the crowd to pop nicely. A good start, and the Cactus Jack promo afterwards was a nice add-on. The rest of the show was just recaps and short matches. The only reason I'd suggest this one is to watch the first half. Skip the rest and you won't miss much.

ECW Hardcore TV Episode 74
1.ECW Tag Titles:Cactus,Mikey(c) vs Kanyon,Dino *1/2
2.Too Cold Scorpio vs Stormin Norman *3/4
3.ECW TV Title:Jason(c) vs Rockin Rebel NR
4.ECW Title:Douglas(c) vs Osamu ***
5.Tazmaniac vs Odyssey NR
Random Ramblings:
Basically, the first ten minutes here were spent on recaps. The Cactus Jack promo was great once again, though. The first match...hey look, Chris Kanyon. Remember him? No? Oh well. Anyway, the first match ended when Public Enemy attacked...Really, this was just here to continue the fued. The Scorpio promo was ok. The match was pretty average, really just existing for 2 Cold to get momentum back. Who the fuck is Stormin Norman? A look at profight suggests he only had two matches. Scorpio with his 450 ended this. Rebel was attacked on the last episode by Jason and crew. He sold it poorly during the attack, yet they showed it again. Malenko, for the second week, attacked. This storyline does nothing for me. I forgot all about Jason and hopefully can again soon. Shane chats with camera men, and Foley asks for a chance at the belt sometime. He puts over Japanese wrestling which leads to his title defense against Osamu Nishimura. Osamu works for AJPW these days. This was a good match. I was happy to see it finish clean as well. I have no idea what Osamu said, but The Franchise's promo was decent. This should have ended the show. Instead, we see Taz destroy Ray Odyssey and then a clip of 911 killing people.Not a very good episode with most of the stuff being recaps or plot build matches.

ECW Hardcore TV Episode 75
1.Sandman vs Myers *3/4
2.TV Title:Jason(c) vs Dino NR
3.Public Enemy vs Kanyon,Alllen NR
4.Benoit vs Osamu NR
Random Ramblings:
This was a story driven episode, with the matches taking a backseat. The Malenko/Taz stuff was fun, the promos from were enjoyable, and I am excited to see the matches they are building. You can skip this episode easily, though, as I am sure it will all be recapped later. I really wish the Benoit match had went longer. Also, the jazz music clip show with Shane was the most 90's thing ever.

ECW Hardcore TV Episode 76
1.TV Title:Jason(c) vs Myers **
2.Malenko vs Dino,Allen NR
3.I Quit:Sandman vs Dreamer ***1/4
Random Ramblings:
This week, things kicked off with Joey claiming by the episode's end you'd see someone go extreme to the point of needing emergency aid. We then see Jason told that if Malenko gets involved in his match tonight, that he'll be banned from ringside going forward. Of course, he gets involved and allows Jason to retain. Hack brought him to the brink, though. Decent match. After that we see some clips with Malenko plus a quick handicap match. Tazmaniac comes out and attacks to keep their feud going. They trade shots before the locker room runs out to break them up. This worked well to build hype. An entertaining start to the evening. ECW tv episodes focus heavily on plot, which is why recaps, clips, and promo segments make up a large part of each one. Taz chasing a PWI employee was rather funny. Time for Sandman and Dreamer to face off again, this time in an I Quit stip. A piece of someone's car is used as a weapon early on. God, ECW was something else. This was a very good main event, and set up one of my favorite angles in ECW history. The aftermatch stuff was great, and I remember how dedicated Sandman was to selling this whole thing.

ECW Hardcore TV Episode 77
1.Public Enemy vs Dino,Allen NR
2.Borne Again vs 2 Cold Scorpio *3/4
3.TV Title:Jason(c) vs Whipwreck **3/4
50 /100%
Random Ramblings:
To build towards the rematch, Public Enemy get a squash to kick things off here as well as a promo video shot under a bridge. They sell Sandman's injury before the next match. Always a tad weird reviewing a match involving someone who overdosed. RIP. I'll just leave it at that, respectfully. It served its point at least. The main event was the only remaining hope at redemption for this episode. Have I mentioned that I like Mikey's character? He's really entertaining. It was an ok match, but far from great. A ref bump ending screws Whipwreck and sets up a Public Enemy attack before Cactus clears the ring and makes a save. Dreamer apologizes to Sandman to end it. Skip this episode if you ever do what I'm doing.

ECW Hardcore TV Episode 78
1.Benoit vs Odyssey **3/4
2.Sabu vs Cactus Jack ***1/2
Random Ramblings:
Public Enemy beat the shit out of Rockin Rebel and Stetson to start things. More Sandman stuff after. This angle is a good example of why ECW was so far ahead of their rivals. Call ins and satellite vids. Yup, it was the 90's. The Benoit match was enjoyable. Sadly, it's rare that they aren't. I'll always like his work, even if I hate the guy. The Dreamer/Cairo stuff was entertaining as was the Douglas promo. The main event was a really good hardcore clash to cap off a very entertaining episode despite the screwups. Some actually added to the match to be fair, like many Sabu contests. That bottle spot!!! This is the best ep of ECW since I started this journey. Check it out.

ECW Hardcore TV Episode 79
1.Too Cold Scorpio vs Hack Myers **3/4
2.Benoit vs Tazmaniac ***1/4
Random Ramblings:
The first match was a nice start, the entire middle section of the episode was a group of entertaining segments and promos (Paul selling Sabu took up the most), and a time limit draw main event capped this off on a strong note. Another fun edition of ECW!

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