NWA Shockwave #3 Review

1. Kay vs Savoy ***
2. Pope, Watts vs Dice, Effy ***
3. NWA National Title: Stevens(c) vs Murdoch ***1/4

The women's match was a good opener that served well to showcase how talented the ladies are. NWA and the UWN have a sincerely decent women's division and not enough people talk about it.

The tag match was better than expected. Pope was a very talented worker that never seemed to get a fair shake for whatever reason. Watts is a dude that has been a decent worker but has meddled in the indie scene instead of getting a solid look. Them teaming makes sense in that regard if nothing else. Their opponents were clearly teamed up just because they are both flamboyant. I had little expectations heading in, thinking it'd be a random and forgettable two on two but it was good as basic as it was. Pope looked solid, Effy was solid, Watts was solid. Hell, Dice wasn't terrible. The attack after seems to set up Pope and Dice in a singles match. I really doubt that one is going to be worth seeing. At least Pope's promo post was serviceable.

I've been clear in the past that I don't care much for Stevens. He's entertaining and I get it, but I've always been more about work rate than sports entertainment antics. On Powerrr I found his stuff fun at times but also annoying and skippable each time. Murdoch might be well past whatever prime he had but is still decent enough and I saw the value in him winning months ago during their program pre-pandemic and I am glad the trigger was pulled eventually. The match was another that was better than expected and was easily one of the best matches Steven has had in a while, and I appreciated the outcome for sure. I look forward to seeing his run!

Nothing this week was recommendation levels, but modern NWA (and UWN considering this is just repurposed material and the shared roster) is more about the charm of providing this kind of entertainment and it somehow works. I enjoy the roster, the simple nature of things and the way they promote it, and, as a result, the episodes truly have a way of being better than they should be. If you've found yourself enjoying NWA Powerrr episodes since their relaunch, you'll like Shockwave even if it's admittedly missing a touch of the luster due to the different formatting.

Overall Rating: 70/100%

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