On the Future of RW+B


I wanted to take a moment to notify you, the frequent visitors to this humble little blog, that I have made the move to monetize Red's Wrestling+ Blog and, as a result, wanted to give a heads up that there will be some changes. Largely, this just means that ads will appear on the page but I will tweak the format a tad over the next month or so in an effort to find a style that I think best fits the move forward.

Here's a look at what ongoing features you should expect to continue/debut:

-Wrestling reviews including new and classic content

-Weekly installments of Red's RBI (select sports coverage)

-Movie, Music, Comic, and Beer reviews

-Red Rose Report (politics)

-Open the Dungeon Gate (ttrpg stories), short stories, poetry, etc

-The return of Late Night Snack, a weekly film of the week style blog entry

-The TRUE Championship posts

-The debut of Saturday Night Slam Masters, a weekly YT playlist series focusing on US wrestling highlights

-Much More!

I appreciate those that continue to come and I would love to hear from y'all more often. Shoot me an email at ghostantchikara@gmail.com or find me on twitter someday.

