We are STARDOM!! #36 Review


1.Jungle vs Utami ***3/4

2.Mayu vs Giulia ***3/4


This installment kicks off coverage of the 5STAR GP. The opening minutes featured clips of the finishes of some matches before we moved on to the two (mostly) complete contests of the night.

Up first, Jungle was put away by Utami once again as their little ongoing spat continues. I enjoyed the layout, the work rate was worth praise, and the finish was well done. Truly, a great way to start the episode.

The main event saw the Wonder and World champs go one on one with Giulia taking the win after dropping Iwatani with two finishers. Not only was this great, it was a perfect main event to start the tournament. Add in the story of every member of Donna del Mondo coming out victorious on the night and you have something truly noteworthy.

Once again, We are STARDOM!! was a must-see experience and the series has officially become my favorite wrestling program. I am looking forward to being caught up on everything so that I can watch these when they debut.

Overall Rating: 85/100%