The Multiverse of Matt Hardy #1 Thoughts


Matt Hardy is one of the most creative and unique workers in the game and has just launched a new ongoing YouTube series. The debut installment starts with the elder Hardy introducing us a bit to who he is and his family.

His two kiddos are in the House Hardy Dojo paying their dues. Reminds me of my kids wrestling with me. They're spot monkeys, too.

After some promo work from the kids, Matt channeled his inner 80's and made his offspring crap their pants.

Matt begged for pity while whining about how hard it is to be him before leaving for a local television commercial shoot. Upon return, he ran into Broken Matt rubbing Vanguard like Doctor Evil rubs his cat.

He is complete.

In all, I enjoyed this sub-6 video but it felt like it wasn't fully sure what it was supposed to be content-wise. I have no doubt in Matt though and presume it will be well worth watching as new episodes are released. 

Check it out above.

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