Zona 23 La Guerra Comienza Review

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Matches from 03/15:
1.Guerrera Negra vs Sadik Maiden **3/4
2.Lunatik Extreme vs Lunatik Fly ***1/2
3.Aeroboy vs Ciclope ****
4.Super Mega vs Joe Lider vs Ultimo Gladiador ***
5.Matthew Justice vs Demoledor ***1/4
6.Zone 23 Extremo Title: Miedo Extremo(c) vs Fly Star ***3/4
7.Pirata Morgan, Super Crazy, Toxico vs Los Vipers(Histeria,Psicosis), X-Fly ***

These shows are a glorious train wreck and I love them for it. Just pure fucking insanity with loads of big dives onto cars, light tubes, and skewers. The highlight was easily Ciclope versus Aeroboy with the title match following closely behind, but the entire show had a lot of insanity that I'm sure will wet the appetite for all that are fans of this sort of thing.

Check it out.

Overall Rating: 70/100%