1.Scorpio Sky vs Jack Evans ***
2.DIFH vs That 70's Team NR
A good and quick, just-long-enough-to-rate opener saw Evans go over Sky clean. They followed that with Tyler and Jacobs taking on Disco and Ryan, complete with Joey needing an inhaler and his ass being exposed again. Too short to rate, but fun for what it was.
Team Dragon Gate are still being held hostage. Tyler and Jacobs work out their issues. The episode ended with El Mesias fucking shit up and cutting a promo on Vamp before he and 6-Pac beat down the champ. Youth Suicide tried to make a save but failed miserably. The four brawled as the show closed.
This episode gave us a shot of Tyler Black pumping himself up while Jacobs applied eyeliner and at Quiznos. What's not to like?
Overall Rating: 70/100%