Select Match Reviews: Park Your Ass & Watch Some (AAA)

Matches from AAA Nacemos Para Luchar: Cancun Parte 2:
1.Poder del Norte(Carta,Cota) vs Familia Real(Hijo Park,Park Jr) ***
2.Faccion Ingobernable(Rush,Park,Bestia) vs Blue Demon Jr, Drago, Laredo Kid ***1/2

The first pull saw something that I'm hoping leads into a killer trios match down the line. Imagine papa Park and his youths in a massive brawl versus PdN? Well, consider this a primer. Chaotic in nature, these four beat on each other in a nice sprint. The Park kids can be pretty good. PdN is always good. Outside of recommendation levels, but this was still fun stuff for what it was.

This week's main was not too dissimilar to many AAA main events, though I'd note that Faccion Ingobernable are kings of this style as is Blue Demon. Park, Rush, and Bestia beat the shit out of their opponents for over ten minutes before Psycho and the Lucha Bros did a distraction spot to swing momentum a tad. After that, it was far more 50/50 though issues between Drago and Blue ended up costing them the match. I personally really liked this, but I like brawls done right and this was done pretty well, in my opinion. So, take that in consideration if you add this to your watch list. Yea, there were issues holding it back, but it was still fun stuff.

That's it for now. I have no idea when we'll get new AAA content, but I applaud their work thus far this year. Make sure to check out some of their stuff if you've missed out.

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