DDT Street Wrestling: HandMade in Japan Fes Winter Review

1.Falls Count Anywhere: Nautilus vs ALL OUT(Shunma,Iino) vs MAO, Keigo vs Naya, Oishi NR

I figured it was a good time to check out DDT's Rojo section on Universe right now. It's funny how things can change in a short amount of time, isn't it? Today was a good day, and it looks like I'll either be moving to Maryland or California for a few months. I'll know more in the coming days.

So, let's embrace today with the finer things in life. I'm watching this with both kids calmly sleeping and a nice glass of wine in my hand.

Pokotan, giant swings, window shopping, chair spots, and a broken table. This was exactly the chaotic spectacle I had hoped for and one heck of an experience. No, I can't give it a rating but I will say that it was well worth watching assuming you don't take yourself, and wrestling, too seriously.

Kudos to the boys!

This might be the last post from me until we move or I might find time for a few more. Just a heads up.

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