Last Minute 2019 Movie Review Roundup Part One

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Rapid fire review post time, looking quickly at films I saw this year, the ratings I gave them, and why I gave them those ratings. I have a few of these roundups to do, so let's dive in.

Spider-Man: Far From Home
The MCU gave us a near classic in Endgame, proving that these are more than just popcorn films. While many of them are still largely that, they still remain so consistently entertaining that it's hard to see a true slow down as we head into the next phase. The official close to Phase Three had a lot going on, giving some needed closure while adding a lot to the overall universe moving forward and provided a fun experience in general.
Rating: ***1/2

I give full credit to Cracked and this article for suggesting this one, as I had seen the commercials but had no true intentions of checking it out beforehand. I honestly assumed it was a generic b-quality monster film which can be fun, but wasn't likely to make my watchlist. I'm admittedly glad I took the time and dropped some green for this one, though. While far from groundbreaking, I largely agree with the Cracked write up and recommend this one to fans of the genre seeking something more refreshing than what we are typically given. Also, I've been to Florida and will likely return soon and those storms are indeed terrifying as are the gators (which are fucking everywhere) but my return will likely have me thinking heavily of this one during the stay.
Rating: ***1/2

High Life
That same Cracked article links above also got my attention with this one, which happened to be a free Prime option. Artistic in nature, High Life grew and evolved as the minutes passed, only giving enough to keep you wanting and guessing as it built with ebbs and flows, blending together a web of horror and sexual tinged scifi. There was an overall feeling of uneasiness on display, directed perfectly alongside a killer soundtrack and solid acting that brought this all together. Beautiful, tragic, amazing. Go out of your way to see this, especially if you are of the assumption that Robert Pattinson can't act.
Rating: ****1/4

Jumanji: The Next Level
If you are seeking a popcorn flick, there are far worse options than the second Jumanji film in the rebooted series. Added characters, played by DeVito and Glover, who are later (mainly) avatar'ed by The Rock and Hart respectively, are fun additions. There is a bit of heart underneath the humorous shell, and you'll have a good time as long as you go in with an understanding of what these films are about.
Rating: ***1/4

Spies in Disguise
My kiddos really wanted to see this and, luckily, it wasn't terrible. The company that put this one together is the same that did the Ice Age series, so I suppose that shouldn't be too surprising. Basically, if you want a few kid film level laughs in a spy movie that stars Will Smith (who gets turned into a pigeon), Tom Holland (the nerdy agent who turns Smith into said pigeon), and Rashida Jones and Ben Mendelsohn in supporting roles, and have kids who enjoy silly flicks, it's a decent option.
Rating: ***

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