Select Match Reviews: Yokohama Love

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Matches from Wrestle-1 Love in Yokohama
1.No DQ: Koji vs Kuma ***3/4
2.W1 Cruiserweight Title: Andy Wu(c) vs Hijo del Pantera ***3/4
3.W1 Tag Titles: Enfants Terribles(c) vs Strong Hearts ****1/2
4.W1 World Title: T-Hawk(c) vs Inaba ***1/2

Wrestle-1 has been wildly entertaining all year and sincerely unpredictable more often than most wrestling feds are so I'm glad I finally had a chance to catch these four. I watched, as usual, and enjoyed, also as usual, the episode of their weekly show that detailed the event previously so I knew these were high on my watch list.

The good news is that all four lived up to my expectations nicely. A bloody, violent brawl, a great back and forth cruiserweight clash, the tag was a MOTYC with the right team winning, and the closer saw Inaba take the top prize in a nice main event battle with the new champ playing the underdog fairly well. I'm admittedly still a bit torn on that call, though.

Two new champs and high drama in general adds up to a big night for Wrestle-1 here. I love Pantera as CW Champ, Irie being in Strong Hearts is awesome and the match felt like a modernization of one of those old Japanese thrill ride tags, and the main event result was one of those surprise moments that showcases why W1 is so damn entertaining.

The next review will likely be that recent, big NOAH event. I will also update the recommended matches and best of section soon. Thanks for reading and make sure to check the all of these matches out when you have a chance.

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