Top 5 Marvel Live Action Super Hero Films

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Let's take a look at what I consider to be the best of the best from Marvel's live action selection. It's no secret that the MCU is one of the best things that has happened to comics, so narrowing this down to five was pretty damn hard.

5. Deadpool
Deadpool is not only a top-5 Marvel release, but it is also one of the most entertaining movies of all time simply because of the overall fantastic work done by everyone involved. This is one of those action-comedies that even non-superhero fans enjoy.
Rating: ****

4. Black Panther
Black Panther is considered by many to be one of the best films of all time. I don't put it that high on the ladder, but it was pretty freaking good either way. Black Panther was a fantastic film and one of historical significance, too. In fact, it is so highly regarded that I might piss off someone who sees it this low on the list.
Rating: ****

3. Guardians of the Galaxy
The best compliment I can give the MCU is how well they've done taking characters I largely didn't care about and made them amazing. Guardians is one such case, as the team did little for me before this film was released. Using music properly with a movie is an art form of its own, and they nailed it here blending a solid story, great soundtrack, and good acting into one of the best science fiction action-comedies ever.
Rating: ****

2. Infinity war
The Avengers films have been enjoyable, but I consider Infinity War to be the best right now. This was a true game changer and sincerely felt epic in delivery. The build-up and the standout moments all leading into the giant climax. Infinity War delivered on years of films and then left us hanging, and I loved every freaking second.
Rating: ****1/4

1. Logan
Logan is one of my favorite films in general, and a true masterpiece of the genre. Most of my dvds are actually stored in binders, but Logan is one that I keep in the special edition case that it came in when my wife gave it to me on my birthday. The black and white version is an added bonus, but I can sincerely say that Logan is not only the best Marvel film I've ever seen, but it also set the bar high for everything that came after it. If you somehow skipped out on this one, go watch it as soon as you can.
Rating: ****3/4