Match from EVOLVE 119
1.Gargano,Fox vs Theory,Briggs ***1/2
Gabe claims that without their partnership with WWE EVOLVE would be dead. NXT-VOLVE, basically? Regardless of your stance on the friendliness between the two, at least we still get to watch EVOLVE. Right?
So, I still have a little bit to watch from 2018. Basically just the second half of Lucha Underground and some EVOLVE stuff. I'm putting off LU because I always hate the idea of being finished with the show, especially knowing now that it might be done for good. EVOLVE is simply because I got behind on the product and haven't had the time. The reviews I am mentioning will likely be posted on in the PWD group but that's just because I am strange.
Anyway, this time around Gabe brought in Gargano and teamed him up with AR Fox to take on two names that I am pretty sure will be in NXT sooner than later. WWN Icons versus the New Generation.
The outcome was a pretty good match. While a bit formulaic, when the action is of this level that can be ok.
If you have never watched EVOLVE before or if you've been sleeping on them, go ahead and give this match a view. It is a good enough jumping in point for their product in 2019.