Matches from PROGRESS Ch.84
1.PROGRESS Tag Titles: Swords of Essex(c) vs Aussie Open ****
2.PROGRESS Atlas Title: Seven(c) vs Thatcher ***1/2
3.PROGRESS World Title: WALTER(c) vs Ridgeway ***1/4
PROGRESS might have lost some of the aura it once had, but they still pump out some great content. Like EVOLVE, think what you want about them getting into bed with The Empire, but at least they still give talent a place to work and good exposure.
Let's start this chapter with tag team action. The Swords of Essex are pretty solid heels here, pushing Aussie Open even further over than usual. The finish was a bit weak, but helps give the champs even more heat. The match was fantastic outside of the closing minute, and was well worth watching. Fletcher was the MVP here.
Up next, the Atlas belt was defended against Thatcher who played the calculating challenger well. I wish they would have kept the big lads theme with the strap instead of broadening it so much that now it's just a midcard strap, but it is what it is. I'm not sure why Trent had gauze on his ribs, but it helped add a target for Thatcher to focus on. This was pretty good stuff. Since they have Seven doing an open challenge thing on these shows, they should have some NXT names from time to time come out. Though, I guess they like to announce those names beforehand, so...maybe Ohno, at least?
Anyway, to close we have big boy WALTER defending against Chris Ridgeway. Too bad WWE doesn't think enough about their partner promotion outside of using them as a feeder system, because having WALTER come out with his PROGRESS and OTT gold on NXT UK could be a fun sight. This match was fairly enjoyable. Strike heavy wrestling, as expected, but it just didn't hit the level I was hoping for.
In all, make time for the tag match and consider the Atlas defense.
PROGRESS might have lost some of the aura it once had, but they still pump out some great content. Like EVOLVE, think what you want about them getting into bed with The Empire, but at least they still give talent a place to work and good exposure.
Let's start this chapter with tag team action. The Swords of Essex are pretty solid heels here, pushing Aussie Open even further over than usual. The finish was a bit weak, but helps give the champs even more heat. The match was fantastic outside of the closing minute, and was well worth watching. Fletcher was the MVP here.
Up next, the Atlas belt was defended against Thatcher who played the calculating challenger well. I wish they would have kept the big lads theme with the strap instead of broadening it so much that now it's just a midcard strap, but it is what it is. I'm not sure why Trent had gauze on his ribs, but it helped add a target for Thatcher to focus on. This was pretty good stuff. Since they have Seven doing an open challenge thing on these shows, they should have some NXT names from time to time come out. Though, I guess they like to announce those names beforehand, so...maybe Ohno, at least?
Anyway, to close we have big boy WALTER defending against Chris Ridgeway. Too bad WWE doesn't think enough about their partner promotion outside of using them as a feeder system, because having WALTER come out with his PROGRESS and OTT gold on NXT UK could be a fun sight. This match was fairly enjoyable. Strike heavy wrestling, as expected, but it just didn't hit the level I was hoping for.
In all, make time for the tag match and consider the Atlas defense.