Red's Top Wrestlers of 2019

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The following is related closely to my top matches list, as well as my posted reviews in general. Basically, the more a talent appears on the list the more likely they'll end up here. There's more to it, but why bore you with details. I also included five honorable mentions but would like to note that Takeshita just missed the bubble!

Honorable Mentions: Tanahashi, Sabre, WALTER, Naito, Omega

10. Bandido

The hot property is walking out of 2019 as PWG Champ, is one of the bright spots in ROH, and has simply stepped up big in every match and opportunity he gets.

I considered him the ace of Dragon Gate and have counted SHINGO as one of my top five personal talents for years, so seeing his run this year in New Japan has been a sight to see.  I can only hope that 2020 is even bigger.

8. Kento
The ace of All Japan has made every title defense worth seeing and even steps up rather big in lesser matches, too. I always look forward to seeing more of his work and am eager to see what he's going to do next.

7. Ishii
The Stone Pitbull is a monster and the most overlooked roster member of New Japan. If you like hard hitting action, Ishii is likely your hero.

6. Dragon Lee
CMLL made a huge mistake, one of many lately, by letting him go. Dragon Lee is an elite talent and I always look forward to seeing him in action. He is heading into 2020 with the ROH TV Title and a major match at the Dome!

5. Kota
Kota is positioned big heading into the upcoming Wrestle Kingdom series of shows, possibly a reward for sticking with the company instead of leaving for AEW alongside Kenny. I for one am ok if  he gets the win on the big show and carries the strap for a long period, if Naito kills him first, at least.

4. Okada
The ace of New Japan and the promotion's fallback guy. When in doubt, put the strap on him. Okada has earned this spot due to his ability to bring out the best in nearly everyone, putting on constant epics with runtimes that match some movies. Don't forget, he still has a lot of years left in the tank, too and might go down the best ever when it's all said and done.

3 & 2. Pentagon Jr and Fenix
The Lucha Bros can be stars in solo action and team matches. The dynamic of charismatic brawler and insanely innovative flyer always leaving fans in awe. This year, they've worked their asses off and are showcasing their talents basically everywhere that matters.

1. Ospreay
He sucks at social media and can be a dumbass in general, but his story this year along with the constant, high quality content he's been involved with in general has more than earned him this spot. He's only going to get better!

Updated 12/31 COMPLETE

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