We are STARDOM!! #123 Review


  1. Cinderella Rumble NR
  2. Future of STARDOM Title: Hanan(c) vs Sakurai **1/2
  3. KAIRI vs Starlight Kid ***3/4
  4. Wonder of STARDOM Title: Saya(c) vs Tam ****


This week's episode started with a quick look at the Cinderella Rumble, which saw Mei Suruga walk out victorious. The ending was botched, but I am super excited to see the outcome regardless.

A Future of STARDOM defense ran next. It was fine and served the purpose of the belt well enough.

KAIRI versus SLK was great, with both working hard to make this feel like it was a big deal. While there's no doubt that we were going to see Starlight take the L, it came off well enough that she didn't really get hurt by the fall and that's always key in situations like these.

Saya's defense of the Wonder strap against Tam was fantastic. This reign is meant to be a big test for Saya. While it might be a tad early for her, she's done rather well in the spot and clearly tries hard to keep up when faced with her betters. That said, Tam went big here to try to elevate not just the match, but the champ, and it largely worked outside of the finishing stretch which had some issues.

Again, it was still fantastic stuff, but just so.

In all, 123 is one of dozens of episodes of this show that deserve your time and attention. Click play above on yet another twenty-seven minutes and sixteen seconds of high quality entertainment.

Overall Rating: 75/100%

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