AAA Worldwide: TripleMania XXX Monterrey Parte 1 Review



  1. Ultimo Dragon vs Pentagon Jr **3/4
  2. AAA Mixtas Parejas Campeonatos: Vipers(c) vs Komander, Sexy Star vs Maravilla, Latigo vs Parka Negra, Conti ***1/2
  3. Villano IV vs LA Park ****


A badass ad ran first for something called Freefire x AAA. I'd actually love a AAA anime style series for the record. Straight to the official intro next, which came off very well and showed off the roster rather nicely.

I watched The Faculty tonight while waiting for this one to start.

We're at a baseball stadium in Monterrey and cheerleaders are cheerleading. Now a military is militarying. Specifically marching, not the other thing they do thankfully. I'm sure some people loved this and thought it came off as epic in nature, but I'm pretty "no thanks" on such things most of the time and now is such a time. I actually passed out during it and ruined my plans on doing a live review in the process.

The stadium is less than half full. I believe they had listed it as 13k in attendance or something like that. This spot is the largest baseball stadium in the country and can seat around 21k. They've clearly pulled a WWE with the numbers.

The opening ceremonies or whatever took like twenty fucking minutes and I almost feel asleep.

Highlights ran next, giving us a taste of the show ahead for some reason.

The action kicked off with Pentagon versus Ultimo Dragon. While it didn't come anywhere close to being must-see, I applaud AAA for booking this regardless as it was entertaining for the novelty of it all if nothing else.

Backstage segments ran involving Vipers and then Sammy with Tay before we moved to our midcard match that saw the Mixed Tag straps on the line.

The four-way mixed tag contest started with the women and the camera crew made sure to focus on Conti's ass as much as possible. Luckily we went intergender rather quickly into this one, though. If you're curious, this is indeed a different Sexy Star than the one you might have moral objections to.

The fact that this featured La Parka Negra would normally be more than enough of a reason for you to watch this one, but I will admit that it was a slightly disjointed spotfest and that your mileage will vary greatly as a result. I found just enough here to say it was a pretty good stuff thanks to the way it built up and I especially think it could serve as a decent taste of some of AAA's midcard roster members.

Trigger warning on this one, for the record, as they did play the sexual assault spot trope.

Sammy attacked with crutches and officially joined in to set up the shit finish and the title change.

Backstage, after, Sammy and Tay celebrated and also paid off Parka Negra. Good, cheap heel shit.

The main event saw LA Park taking on Villano IV. 56 vs 57. That's the ages of the competitors. This was part of the De La Muerta Ruleta series as was Penta/Dragon.

They started hot, brawling on the ramp with IV taking the charge. I admit out front that this had no right being any good and that I had very little in the way of expectations. I am a fan of the catalogs of both workers, of course, but I have a hard time getting too hyped about something featuring two dudes pushing 60.

Fuck me, though, because this was a highly entertaining walk-and-brawl.

Park has really done awesome in such spots over the years and Villano was more than willing to give him another. Make no mistake, though, because IV not only started with the lead but he kept it for a long period and came off better than he has in a very long time in the process.

It was a spectacle and a bloody brawl with a Jason style pace and I enjoyed it thoroughly. A better finish would have been nice, but this was a fantastic mess either way.

This took place around the same time that Konnan claimed that he would never work with Park again because he was too unprofessional.

This was an episode that climbed in quality. It started with a dream match, moved to a title change in a clusterfuck, and ended with something that sincerely overdelivered. As a result, I recommend fans that read this review to go ahead and click play above especially if you haven't watched AAA in a while (or ever) as this serves nicely as a spotlight for how fucking crazy this company is.

Overall Rating: 75/100%

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