IMPACT! Wrestling #919 Review


  1. Bullet Club vs MCMG ***1/2
  2. Maclin vs Rhino **1/2
  3. Gujjar vs Larry D **3/4
  4. AAA Reina de Reinas, ROH Women's World Titles: Deonna(c) vs Shaw vs Frost **
  5. JONAH vs Dice NR
  6. Slamovich vs Arie NR
  7. Alexander vs Taven ***3/4


A Hall tribute kicked us off.

This was followed by the match I was most excited for, with Bey and White taking on the newly reformed Motor City Machine Guns. Jay snubbed a fan during the entrances for something on their shirt. It was a tricky situation considering the circumstance but they went with a superior option, in my opinion, with White arguably missing the breakup by a microsecond. 

It was a very good match.

Maclin and Rhino was better than expected, serving as a quick big man battle. Rhino worked hard enough to make it feel like a decent win for Maclin.

IInspiration forgave Kaleb.

Heath and Rhino reformed their team.

I'm sure this will be seen as rude to some, but I've felt for a while that workers out of India tend to be average at best. I think that the schools there aren't very good. That said, the next match featured Gujjar. He's a dude I've seen maybe one or two other times. He's actually rather decent and has a nice ceiling of potential. Larry D did well, too. Their match was far better than expected. They clearly have goals for Gujjar.

W. Morrissey related drama followed. Decent stuff.

Bailey and Ace Austin shared a moment.

Honor No More drama up next, building up the main and also keeping the drama between Eddie and his wife running.

Next, women's action.

Shaw dragged this down. Frost and Deonna did well. It was okay.

JONAH murdered Dice.

Mickie wants to beat Tasha because her mother wasn't abusive, or something like that.

Slamovich murdered Arie.

Dice is a sad panda.

The main was great stuff, with Taven looking good in defeat and Alexander once again looking like the star that he is.

After, we saw Moose stopping by Josh's house for some well done melodrama.

So, this episode was bookended with worthwhile content. Two of the matches overdelivered. The championship match admittedly was dragged down by sloppiness and there were also two squashes thrown in for good measure. The segments were fine to good and the writing was pretty enjoyable throughout. 

I've said before that if the current edition of IMPACT! didn't have the baggage of TNA strapped to it, they'd be one of the most popular sources of pro wrestling in the world. I can easily see many wrestling fans that tune into WWE or even AEW weekly enjoying this one.

I certainly found stuff to like and thought it was one of the better weekly episodes of wrestling this year that I've seen. Does it have flaws? Yeah. Is it still worth your time, especially if you're a fan looking to give these folks another shot? Hell yeah!

Overall Rating: 75/100%

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