Ring of Honor TV #520 Review


1.ROH Women's Title Tournament Semi-Final: Adora vs Alize ***1/4

2.ROH Women's Title Tournament Semi-Final: Rok-C vs Love **

3.Lucha Rules: Shane Taylor Promotions vs La Faccion Ingobernable **1/2



This week's Ring of Honor featured the semi-final matches for the ongoing Women's Championship Tournament and a trios main event.

Adora and Alize had a good opener and Miranda for sure is a lot of fun.

Rok-C is a decent worker. Love is Love. Their match was okay for what it was and the right person won.

Rok-C versus Alize is going to be a fun match and I appreciate that it's the contest that was chosen to crown the first champion.

The six-man lucha rules match was a bit messy at times and disjointed in general. A major brawl would have been a far better choice of layouts. It also ended with a shit finish. Skippable stuff for sure.

This is the go-home edition ahead of Death Before Dishonor and it felt very much like a building block episode. It peaked with the opener and I would only recommend diehard fans looking to stay UTD with the product to click play.

Overall Rating: /100%

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