Thoughts on NWA Shockwave Announcement

Earlier this evening, I posted on the RW+B Facebook page the announcement and video release from the National Wrestling Alliance regarding their new series, Shockwave, which is set to debut next week. First, I'd like to give props and a general shoutout for the reference to the now dead NWA brand, NWA Shockwave which was a true trendsetter. Second, I'd like to credit the NWA for attempting to move forward right now.

The new show will air on Tuesday nights at 6 PM Eastern. Note that they also announced that fans that join their Patreon will have access one day early if that's something you might be interested in. Details are in the video description above if you follow it to the YT channel.

I will be keeping an eye on the new show as I generally enjoyed the second season of Powerrr. Give it a look if you are so inclined. I am especially curious to see if there will be any crossover at all with AEW on the show. Personally, I thought it was smart that they had realigned with Ring of Honor at the start of the year and would also enjoy seeing that resumed as soon as possible. My biggest hope is that they tape a shit load of content on a closed set, in a bubble, and do so in a way that truly attempts to keep everyone involved safe. Do that and I will praise the living shit out of the brand on here for a very, very long time.

Good luck, NWA. Good luck.