3 BRUTAL Samoa Joe Matches in ROH! Review

1.Samoa Joe vs Kenta Kobashi *****
2.Samoa Joe vs Kyle O'Reilly ***
3.ROH World Title: Jay Briscoe(c) vs Samoa Joe ***1/4

This started with one of the most well renowned matches in company history. A match that, before now, I always had rated just a hair below perfect. That has changed. Maybe it's just who I am now but, in the same way that you one day try something you enjoyed but now want an all you can eat buffet sized serving of it, I have now added a quarter star and made the match one of the very few I've ever given a perfect rating to. If you love hard hitting, chop heavy battles in front of a wild crowd and loads of drama, this is for you!

Up next, from about ten years following the opener after Joe returned to the company (and before he split for WWE). Admittedly, I am not 100% sure why this was even included outside of an attempt to get some extra eyes on the upload due to both being Vince's boys now. Don't get me wrong, this was fun, but it felt so out of place right after the epic Kenta battle. Ultimately, it's from a throwaway episode of Ring of Honor's television series from 2015 and it felt like it.

Closing this set, also from 2015, we have Joe challenging Jay for the top prize. I remember this title run being pretty decent but I don't remember this match which wasn't a great sign. Joe tweaked his leg at the beginning, but it didn't take anything away from the contest. The fact is this was a pretty good main event match though far from a must-see one. The crowd was mic'ed up very poorly and the commentary was very weak as well, if that's something that you might care about.

Your experience might vary, but I'd argue that you should just watch the first and skip the rest here.

I'm potentially just going to watch select matches off of the sets moving forward, but we'll see. Might depend on the set, my boredom level, or some other factor.

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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