Red's Wrestling Show Announcement

Over the years, I have ran a few different shows on my YouTube channel such as PrimeTimePuro, Mejor de la Lucha Libre, and No Wrestling Limitations. The most recent was titled, Red's Wrestling Show. The episodes for all of these included unauthorized usage of footage so it was always a risk when uploading them. I have never attempted to monetize my account and was solely attempting to spread the content to new sources, hoping it'd help promote the brands I support.

Alas, far too often I came close to having my entire channel shut down. Recently, I had an episode of the latest show get me a strike and I've decided to just cancel the series. I have no plans on doing this again anytime soon, either.

The current video projects on my list are the Four Pillars docu that I have been slowly building up and a few things for the Howie Hawkins 2020 campaign.

Thanks to those that watched and enjoyed over the years.

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