My Statement on Empty Arena Shows

I've been vocal on here and social media in regards to issues I am having with these empty arena shows. Unlike some that are upset that they just don't feel the same, I actually have still found a lot of joy and excitement from them. That said, enough is enough. I've been making too many excuses and it's time to make the right move. So, I will not cover any empty arena content of any form going forward here in the blog.

I had a few things on my watch list, including a recent six-man from All Japan, DDT's April Fool show, the NOAH gigs, and a few other things. These are getting the axe.

WWE is ran by a piece of shit that has done everything wrong. They are a shining example of what not to do.

AEW was pushing it, though I give them props because they did at least do a much better job than WWE. That said, the Double or Nothing announcement was awful and I found the news very disappointing.

The news of puro feds meeting yesterday gave me pause, too. Tanahashi was right to say that wrestling should be one of the last things to return.

The problem is this: This virus is dangerous.You can have it and show no signs for weeks or never at all. During that time, you can be spreading it. A talent working a show with others will then go other places, increasing the chances of spreading the virus. It's the same issue with these churchgoers acting like spoiled children. I love professional wrestling. Anyone who reads my blog knows how much I love wrestling. But professional wrestling isn't worth anyone dying. Not a single one. If I found out that one of these shows, regardless of who put it on, cost a life I would personally tell the surviving family that they should be demanding an answer for why putting on a show meant more than that person's life.

So, I'll be covering a lot of classic content and other media types for a while. Experts have made it clear that it's unsafe to run shows for several more months and I don't want to be one of the voices promoting this type of behavior, even on the smaller scale that I do. We're all in this together, but we need to do this together properly. So, no more AEW. No more DDT. No more empty arena shows in general.

I love these rosters from the companies I watch regularly but I'm hoping they do what's right.