We are STARDOM #9 Review

1.Donna del Mondo(Giulia,Maika,Syuri) vs TCS(Hana,Hirsch,Death) ***
2.Wonder of STARDOM Title: Hoshiki(c) vs Utami ***1/2
3.SWA Undisputed Women's Title: Utami(c) vs Hayter NR
4.Kagetsu, Mayu vs JKGReeeeN(Jungle,Momo) ***1/2

This week's episode started with a nice focus on the Giulia/Hana rivalry, this time with the two fighting alongside some allies. While the content was good, and the underlying plot is one of the better ongoings in STARDOM, the match itself was just below recommendation levels by a few hairs.

That's okay, as it was still a solid opener. The next bout, on the other hand, was something to check out if you're just going to skip around.

Speaking of...

Utami got cracked open the hard way early on, clearly rocking her. This added to the story, the visuals, and the idea that the champ, Arisa Hoshiki, is a fucking beast. Every one of those beautiful follow up strikes from the wonder, her cocky action of pulling up the challenger in a count, and the overkill finisher aided in this view. This was very good and another strong chapter in the Hoshiki book.

Not enough Utami for you? Well, next we move to her defending gold on a show that took place a few days after her failing to capture the Wonder strap. Hayter has been growing on me and has potential. Still, I was surprised to see her take the W here. They only aired a small clip here, but seeing Utami eat two big pins in a row isn't something I expected.

Closing things, we got Kagetsu's second to last ever STARDOM match. It was a pretty good display and well worth seeing for the significance if nothing else. Borderline great, really. I mean, considering the star power, it's no real surprise, right?

In all, this was a very enjoyable episode of We are STARDOM that went by very quickly once again. Make time to check out the best women's promotion in the world!

Overall Rating: 75/100%

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