NWA Powerrr #13 Review

1.Konley vs Dice ***
2.ODB vs Thunder Rosa **3/4
3.Aldis vs Starks ***1/4
4.Storm, Drake vs Colt, Anderson **

I heard good things about this one and, seeing as I am too tired to watch all of night two of WK tonight, I'm watching smaller things instead. NWA might not be my preferred cup of tea, but I get what they're aiming for and give them props on MOST of what they've done so far to a degree.

Let's just take a look.

I still hate the fucking name of this show, by the way.

Hard Times is this coming at the end of the month. I know they're crowning a new TV Champ, but have no idea what else is on the card.

The opening package was decent. The Strictly Business faction formation was interesting to see. Storm looks positioned to be win the tournament. In all, a strong way to start the episode.

I still love the intro video for this series. That needs to be stated.

During the crowd shot, a fan is seen immediately waving around his little replica ROH World Championship belt which was funny on many levels.

Storm opens the show proper chatting about the tournament and why he wants the belt before an encounter that saw Kamille slap him for calling Aldis a coward. Great stuff.

The segment after the break was so obvious that a fan called it out loudly as it was happening.

Our first match saw Caleb eat a pin versus Dice in tournament action. Good sprint but I dislike the outcome if I'm being blunt.

Stevens and Question Mark are interviewed next. I heard about Question Mark and have no idea who he is (it's obviously not Jocephus). Decent stuff but nothing major. Came off as comedy that wasn't funny.

Women's Champ, Allysin Kay, joins commentary for the next one. Can Thunder wear her TJP strap on NWA in future episodes? Even defend it? Likely not. Rosa versus Kay for the belt seemed likely. Solid stuff, all thanks to Rosa.

Call Morton and Gibson today!

Aldis shit talks before his match. Smart promo. The contest was fairly good and booked very well with a nice energy attached here. You don't see stuff like this often these days and I loved seeing it here. Aldis couldn't put Starks away, with the time running out. He got nice heat for refusing to give the kid five more minutes and then doing the same to Morton.

The main event saw an angle dropped in right off the bat as the Wild Cards were MIA and the other two duos just went along with it. The contest itself was decent but the angle driven finish sucked air out while it was starting to build into something, ending things on a flat note. Anderson and Colt argued after about the degree in which Anderson is a dick.

Strictly Business closed the episode. Aldis calls himself God, says he pulled the Wild Cards from the main event because it wasn't in their best interest, and then announces a tag for next week leading to the big reveal the episode... Steiner! Your excitement levels may vary.

So, will NWA Powerrr become a regular part of my viewing routine in 2020? I mean, this was far better than expected, even with the recommendation. The modernized throwback style of wrestling that NWA showcases is fun and them cutting ties with the shitbag that is Corny was a great move. I can't promise weekly reviews of the show nor full special event reviews for NWA, but I do think was was a good episode of wrestling and it did enough to get my attention back.

Check this one out, because, while nothing hit must-see levels, it all was a complete package of entertainment!

Overall Rating: 70/100%

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