Select Match Reviews: Kenny Dark

Match from AEW Dark 12/10
1.Omega vs Kip **3/4

I only cared to really see this one this week, and that's only because Kenny's my favorite worker and I try not to miss something he's involved in. Sadly, there was too much bullshit for my taste and I fear that will bleed into the Dynamite tag match they're booked for, since these Kenny Dark matches seem to be tests for ideas. That shit isn't my cup of tea and putting the best wrestler in the world in a match like this is a bit annoying as a result. Kip doesn't need the cheap shit and managers don't need to be in several overbooked spots. Even more, AEW shouldn't toy around much with this kind of thing. Please! I get that it's a variety show, but lets try to lean more toward puro style (especially in Kenny matches) than the sports entertainment soap style theatrics.

The match would have capped out around good levels (but below the recommendation cut off) if not for these actions, but even that's a bit disappointing.

Just skip Dark this week.

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