Select Match Reviews: Rip Currents Kill

Match from Riptide: Point Break
1.PAC vs Cara Noir ****

Riptide fucking loves to be cinematic, don't they. I don't catch much of their stuff, but when I do I tend to walk away feeling like I saw something a tad different than what others are doing.

Now, note that I've seen little of Cara Noir, too. He tends to work the mid-range European circuit that largely escapes my view. I knew he's solid, at least.

The style of Riptide works in his favor, for sure.

Real quick, did you know what to do if you're stuck in a rip current?
I nearly died a while back while on vacation in Port Aransas because I was ignorant on the subject and I hope this largely random placement helps someone in need.

Anyway, back to the match at hand.

I'm a strong supporter to the concept of free matches. Adding a free taste from time to time on YouTube helps expose your brand to new eyes, especially if the contest in question features a name like, PAC. I know for a fact that this video earned the promotion and Cara Noir new fans, and I even saw one of my pals saying this was one of their top five matches on 2019.

A simple handshake was a large part of the story here, which helped Cara and PAC establish a solid face/heel dynamic for the lively fans. UK fans are some of the best in the world when they actually care. I wish Defiant could locate a few of them.

The contest itself was fantastic and the style that Riptide presents their content in made it feel like watching a short film.

This might end up being the best match of Cara Noir's career, but I'll go out on a limb and say we'll see him again real soon.  Cagematch actually has his first match dated in 2010 with some large gaps and mostly small shows filling in the rest for now. This should help get him some bigger bookings, he has the fundamentals down pretty well, and he has more charisma than most at his level. Yea, we'll be seeing him again very soon.

He never got that handshake, but a standing ovation will do. There's more at the end but I'll skip that part and just say watch the whole video because it was all well done and the additions help expand the promotion a bit for newcomers.

Anyway, check this one out and show some love to Riptide and Cara Noir.

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