Select Match Reviews: 16 Carat Pt.3

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Matches from wXw 16 Carat Gold Night Three
1.Lucky Kid vs Ilja ****
2.WALTER vs Avalanche ***
3.Lucha Bros, Rey Horus vs Schadenfreude ***3/4
4.Lucky Kid vs WALTER ****1/4

After two enjoyable nights of tournament action, wXw went all in for the finals. I don't follow wXw as much as I'd like to, but I do think this was a coming out party for Lucky Kid and I'm sure that's because the company sees that a lot of their stars are about to become part-timers at best. I mean, they had him take out Ilja and WALTER in the same night. Pull the trigger now or suffer later, basically. The good news is that Lucky Kid is a pretty damn good worker, as proven here.

The first pull here was a banger semi-final. They both worked their asses off, building off a quick start and fitting into a nice groove as it went along. This could have been the main event of any other show.

The other semi was a good hoss fight, but nowhere near the same quality. Still, it put WALTER over to set up the finals and kept the heat on big daddy, so...success.

The six man, non-tournament match I added here was worth seeking out if you enjoy spotfests. It was simply a car crash style spectacle and pure, mindless entertainment.

To top this one off with a cherry, Lucky Kid and WALTER gave us a fantastic finale, full of drama and top shelf action. It was one of those David and Goliath showcases done right, with the underdog story working nicely together to make this a memorable experience.

I encourage you to give these your time, with the first semi, the six-man, and the finals being must-see.

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