5. The Chariot: The Fiancee
The Chariot were a true force here, every note seeming maliciously calculated and full of angst. The Chariot provided a level of intensity on these tracks that made them a hit with fans of the genre.
Rating: ***3/4
4. Dillinger Escape Plan: Ire Works
This is the only band to appear twice on the list, and honestly they could have appeared more. Ire Works was creative and original, continuing the natural progression that the band made with each release.
Rating: ***3/4
While their earlier works came off a bit juvenile, Mongrel showed a level of maturity that caught a lot of fans off guard. This is easily the best album these guys put out, and the entertainment factor was at a high for the entire run-time.
Rating: ***3/4
Option Paralysis is not only the best album that Dillinger Escape Plan ever put out, in my opinion, but is also sincerely a milestone release that required everyone to step up or sink after it hit the market. This is the band at their best, and a fantastic album that everyone needs to hear.
Rating: ****
Manipulator is one of the most creative albums I've ever had the pleasure of hearing, and their tour in support of it was truly epic. The band effortlessly blends mathcore with touches of prog and harcore here, with an album that is simply required listening. Fun and effortless.
Rating: ****1/4