Detective Comics #1000 Review

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The hype is real, ladies and gents. We've finally arrived at issue #1000, so if you didn't run out and get a copy this morning do so before they sell out.

Just like Action Comics #1000, this massive issue features several short stories from some of the biggest names and artists in the game. Johns, Snyder, Smith, Bendis, Capullo. A who's who of talent in one book.

Investigation tales, one involving Bruce retrieving the gun that killed his parents, an amusing story of an incompetent henchmen with a fun twist, and much more. Oh, and of course, the introduction of the Arkham Knight into the mix. There are a few weak links, but nothing outright bad.

Not only was this a pretty entertaining release, but it's a monumental one, too. If you are a Batman fan, go get yourself a copy now.

Rating: ***3/4

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