Dark Nights: Metal #2 Review

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Using this checklist, I continue my journey through the Metal event. A reminder, though, that I'm only reading the two prologue issues, the Dark Nights: Metal issues, the Batman issues, and Hawkman Found. I'm actually using the Dark Knights Rising and Metal: Deluxe Edition trades via ComiXology for most of this, but since the reading order has some crossover I've been reviewing the issues separately.

Anyway, I mention all of that but I need to add that I accidentally read one issue out of order. Red Death was supposed to come after this one, but it doesn't look like too big of a mistake.

So, as for the review? Well, this was one hell of a follow up on what's been established so far. Hell, I might end up going back later to read the tie-in issues if the quality remains this high. The art remains fantastic, and the story continues to build nicely.

If you missed the Metal event, like myself, consider going back to read it. This is my favorite issue so far from the run, and I am left wanting more.

Rating: ***3/4

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